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Sunday, July 18, 2010

Watch That Back

8 Steps to a Pain-Free Back: Natural Posture Solutions for Pain in the Back, Neck, Shoulder, Hip, Knee, and Foot (Remember When It Didn't Hurt)Low back pain, which is felt around your lower or lumber spine, is common because it's connected to your pelvis, where most of your weight bearing and body movement take place.

You can strain your lower back through twisting (as in games such as golf), lifting a heavy object, continual bad posture or even sitting in a poorly designed chair.  Suddenly or over time, tissues get torn, leading to pain, swelling an stiffness.

Massage can help soothe lower back pain but it does not cure - you should still get a doctor to look at it and also advise you on what steps to take limit the injury.

Avoid bad back habits. Here are some tips for a Healthy Back.
  1. Adopt good posture. Whether sitting or standing, make sure back is straight but not stiff, hands resting comfortably at your desk or by your side.
  2. Use proper seats and bed. You can upset the alignment of your spine if a chair does not give your back proper support, or if your mattress is too soft.
  3. Lose weight.  Excess weight puts pressure on your spine.
  4. Lift objects correctly. Always bend your knees when you lift a heavy object.
  5. Avoid smoking as it has been shown that smoking delays recovery from back pain and back surgery.
  6. Do some form of regular exercise. Watch the following video How To Stretch For Back Pain.

Related Topics:
8 Steps to a Pain-Free Back: Natural Posture Solutions for Pain in the Back, Neck, Shoulder, Hip, Knee, and Foot (Remember When It Didn't Hurt)


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