Look for support in your relationship. If you feel your partner is always there through life’s ups and downs, forgives you when you are wrong, and supports all of your goals, you know you are in a healthy relationship.
Tip: Say you are sorry when you are wrong and forgive your partner for their mistakes.
Realize that communication is essential to a healthy relationship. Keep the communication flowing and give each other time to express both positive and negative feelings.
Respect one another. Being treated with respect is essential in a healthy relationship. If you are both respectful of each others thoughts and feelings, even though both parties may not be in agreement, the relationship will be healthier.
Be honest with each other and your relationship will flourish. No healthy relationship can survive dishonesty.
Trust each other. Trust needs to be present in order to have a healthy relationship. If you do not trust each other, you are not in a healthy relationship.
Look for dependability. When you and your partner both show up when you say you will and do what you say you will do, your relationship will grow.
Learn from each others mistakes, appreciate the healthy qualities in your relationship, and work to maintain the health of the relationship.
Credit: Howcast
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